Tipaza Roman Ruins: الاثار الرومانية لمدينة تيبازة

Live The Moment Algeria

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تتواجد ولاية تيبازة على ساحل البحر الأبيض المتوسط غرب الجزائر العاصمة . لديها العديد من الآثار الرومانية وتعتبر واحدة من أجمل الشواطئ على البحر الأبيض المتوسط، مثل شاطئ شينوا، الذي يجمع بين الأزرق من البحر والخضرة.

تبعد ولاية تيبازة عن مدينة الجزائر ب 75 كم غربا.أسسها الفينيقيون كإحد مستعمراتهم التجارية العديدة حيث كانت لها مكانة مرموقة. معنى تيبازة في اللغة الفينيقية (الممر) لأنها كانت معبرا وممرا للناس بين مدينتي إيكوزيم (الجزائر) وإيول (شرشال).

كانت مدينة "تيبازة" أو "تيباسا" القديمة جزءاً من الإمبراطورية الرومانية، لكن المدينة الموجودة حالياً، والتي يتحدث أهلها اللغة الأمازيغية، تأسست عام 1857، وقد اشتهرت بساحلها الرملي البديع والأطلال القديمة الباقية من التاريخ الروماني.

اليوم ، هذه المدينة الصغيرة الحديثة معروفة بشكل رئيسي بشاطئها الرملي المذهل ومع ذلك ، يمكن للمرء أن يشعر بسهولة أن الكنز الحقيقي لتيباسا هو الآثار الرومانية المذهلة التي تقع على بعد مسافة قصيرة.

Algeria is an ancient country with many fascinating historical attractions. The ancient Phoenician town of Tipasa is one such attraction. Situated on the coast of Algeria, this ancient town was once brimming with inhabitants. Today, it seldom receives much attention but is a noteworthy attraction in Algeria.

Tipasa, also spelt ‘Tipaza’, has changed much over the centuries. The ancient Phoenician town, which once bustled with trade and merchants, was later converted into a Roman military colony by Emperor Claudius. Later the colony was able to receive municipium status. Thus, Tipasa in Algeria became a thriving Roman colony and, no doubt, it was during this period that most of the stunning architectural ruins found here were built. The city was built on a series of three small hills which overlooked the sea and gave the inhabitants an almost perfect view.

Today the ruins of two massive churches – the Great Basilica and the Basilica Alexander – can be found on the westernmost hill surrounded by massive coffin-filled tombs. A third large church – the Basilica of St Salsa – can be found on the eastern hill where it is accompanied by two cemeteries, roman baths, a stunning amphitheater, which is still in excellent condition, a theatre and a nymphaeum – which may have been simply a pleasure house of fountains or it may have been a place dedicated to nymph-like creatures of roman lore. The central hill was where the majority of the houses stood but today there are no traces left of what must have been a bustling network of residences. In 1857, a modern town of the same name was founded nearby and it later became the capital of the Tipasa city.

Today this small modern town is known mainly for its stunning sandy beach and the Tipaza long wave transmitter broadcasting facility. However, one might easily feel that the true treasure of Tipasa is the stunning Roman ruins which lie only a short distance away.

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